in: Missions, Companion Missions, and 2 more Dialogue
Penacony Missions

A Fool’s Errand

A Fool’s Errand

Mission Type
Companion Mission
Dreamers and Fools Alike
Trailblaze Mission And on the Eight Day completed
Starting Location
Penacony - Golden Hour
Another Masked Fool bumps into you. It is best not to engage lest she puts you through her games in pursuit of ‘literary amusement.’ Whatever that means…
Aisha, Robin, Sampo, Sparkle, Sunday, Trailblazer
The Golden Hour is bustling… and it invites trouble and intrigue.

A Fool’s Errand is the first and only mission in Aisha’s Companion Mission chain. It is part of the Dreamers and Fools Alike chapter and takes place on The Golden Hour.


1. Go to Golden Hour

2. Explore World’s End Tavern

1. (Optional) Try to talk to Sparkle

2. (Optional) Try to talk to Sampo

3. Find the strange woman and return her mask

1. Investigate the surrounding area

○ (Optional) Investigate the mask

○ (Optional) Investigate the shelves

4. Select a dream bubble

○ Touch the first dream bubble

✶ ‘Decide’ where ‘your’ loyalty lies

○ Touch the second dream bubble

✶ ‘Decide’ if he deserves ‘your’ honesty

○ Touch the third dream bubble

✶ ‘Decide’ ‘your’ destiny

5. Find your way out the Mysterious Dreamscape

6. Find out who ‘Aisha’ is

○ (Optional) Talk to Robin

○ (Optional) Talk to Sparkle

○ (Optional) Talk to Sampo

7. Go back to the Astral Express

Gameplay Notes

There are three possible options to go for in the fourth section of the mission. While the choice of whichever dream bubble the player selects is irrelevant to the end of the mission, the player can only choose one and cannot see what the other two contain.


Go to Golden Hour

(Trailblazer): (Huh, it’s bustling here.)

(Trailblazer): (Maybe I should see what’s going on.)

Let’s wait for a while

(Trailblazer): (I probably shouldn’t try to merge with the crowd right now. There’s too many people.)

See what’s the fuss is about

(Trailblazer): (Better late than never.)

(Accepted mission Fool’s Errand)

Explore World’s End Tavern
Mission Description
There is an unusually high number of people around the Tavern. What could possibly be the issue?
Golden Hour

(Approach marked location)

(Trailblazer): (The Tavern is filled with all sorts of people.)

(Trailblazer): (Human, Halovian, Pepeshi, Intellitrons…)

(Trailblazer): (Wait.)

(Trailblazer): (There seems to be a common factor here.)

(They’re all weirdos!)

That’s going a bit too far, isn’t it?

Sure, some of them look completely deranged and are laughing maniacally…

But to throw away the basket full of apples just because there’s a few rotten ones here and there is unreasonable.

(They’re all rich!)

Well, duh.

This is Penacony’s Dreamscape, after all.

(There aren’t any.)

Come on now, be creative.

Before you could even finish your train of thought, a woman bumps into you.

???: Oh.

???: Pardon me.

(Trailblazer): (She’s a Halovian.)

(Trailblazer): (All Halovians are members of the Family. It’s best to be on our best behavior now.)

  Watch it! This is an expensive coat, you know!

???: …

???: Is it…?

???: Hehe…

(Trailblazer): (Oh, this woman’s a bit weird.)

Oh, no, I’M sorry.

???: Hm.

???: Water under the bridge.

She waves you aside with a dismissive huff.

(Trailblazer): (She’s got a bit of an attitude problem…)

It’s fine.

The woman gives you a small nod before making her way.

As she passes by, you get a glimpse of a mask hanging on her waist.

In a display of grave injustice, a man not-so-discreetly cuts the cord of the mask, and it falls on the ground.

He chuckles to himself as it parts from its owner who is currently combing her way through the throngs of people.

Still, he doesn’t make an effort to pick up the mask. He simply walks away as well, seemingly disappearing into… thin air!?

(Trailblazer): (Oh, this place really is full of weirdos…)

Pick up the mask.

(Trailblazer): (I should return this.)

(Obtained Golden Mask 1x)

(Try to talk to Sparkle, optional)

Sparkle: Whoa…! That’s a tricky move!

Unnamed Intellitron: You should give up now. I’ll go easy.

Sparkle: No way!

Sparkle: I can’t have you going easy on me. That’s an insult!

(Try to talk to Sampo, optional)

Sampo: See, what did I tell you? Sampo always pays back his debts!

Unnamed Pepeshi: …Humph.

Sampo: H-hey now, friend, no need to glare at me that hard.

Find the strange woman and return her mask
Mission Description
After picking up the mask, the woman seemingly disappears into the crowd. Look for her.
Golden Hour

(While walking)

(Trailblazer): (She moves quick.)

(Approach designated spot)

Before you know it, the mask on your hand buzzes. The Tavern warps as the room around you changes swiftly.

(Black screen, fade to ???)

(Trailblazer): (Where is this?)

You scan your surroundings.

(Trailblazer): (A… dreamscape…? No, it doesn’t feel like it.)

(Trailblazer): (It’s… a fancy room.)

(Trailblazer): (This is only getting weirder.)

(Investigate the shelves, optional)

(Trailblazer): (This is…!)

It’s a Light Cone featuring a young Robin and Sunday sitting on a picnic blanket, sharing a meal with another Halovian girl.

However, the other girl has her back turned away, facing the two siblings who sit side by side.

But if the siblings’ expressions are any indication, the other girl is clearly happy too.

The Light Cone clearly has very fond memories all over it.

(Trailblazer): (Who is the other one…?)

Investigate the surrounding area

(Floating words)

Come, come, let’s play!

You’re too rowdy!

Hey, wait up!

I’ll get scolded by Master…

Are you okay, Eli?

(Approach designated spot)

(Trailblazer): (No clues.)

(Trailblazer): (Wait… Can I even get out of here?)

You approach the grand double doors. To no avail. It doesn’t budge.

(Trailblazer): (I got so caught up looking at the room that I didn’t notice that the doors must have closed behind me.)

(Trailblazer): (Well, if there’s a way in, there must be a way out.)

(Trailblazer): (The mask… it made a strange buzz before transporting me here.)

(Trailblazer): (This is probably the key to it.)

(Investigate the mask, optional)

It’s an unassuming mask.

It’s gold. There are silver details on its edges.

There’s really nothing more to it.

It’s not like it’ll come alive and suddenly stick itself to other people’s faces and mind-control them…

(Trailblazer): (This isn’t helpful.)

(Approach designated spot)

(Trailblazer): (No shot.)

(Trailblazer): (I’ve just been walking around for a while and I’ve found out basically nothing.)

(Trailblazer): (Nothing’s happening either.)

(Trailblazer): (...Am I really just going to be locked in here?)

(Trailblazer): (Maybe I could break that window over there and find out how to break the bars in the process…)

As if protesting against your thoughts, the mask buzzes in your hand once more. This time, it’s weaker, and the room didn’t change at all.

(Trailblazer): (Well, that wasn’t helpful.)

The mask buzzes again. Now, you hear something beneath the big canopy bed as well.

(Trailblazer): (Is someone else here?)

(Trailblazer): (Well, time to confront them!)

(Trailblazer): (Eat my hat, intruder!)