Bellona Cicero
Senior officer, known for her benevolence inside the base but notorious to juveniles. She's celebrated as the officer who has jailed over thousands of resistance members. However, she secretly wavers in her so-called 'loyalty.' No one seems to notice, especially with her extreme cutthroat persona when dealing with La Resistencia. Her extreme ambition, perception, strength, and her position makes for an intimidationg impression but no fear-- she's always down for a conversation, no matter the rank.
"Lieutenant General Cicero. I lead a big unit of militia and I'm pleased to be in duty. I've been in duty for over twenty years and others urge me to step down already but... many people rely on me, Lady Libertia included. I dare not disappoint them. I won't make them regret placing their trust on me."
— Self-intro
strength (80%)
intelligence (90%)
cooperation (70%)
influence (75%)
Nickname Belle
Age 42
Birthday September 5
Affiliation Military Police
Rank Lieutenant General
Likes Bonsai, grapes, flowers
Dislikes Snails, worms
Family Unnamed son
Unnamed daughter
Unnamed deceased husband
Status Deceased
Libertia says:
Maybe this is rude of me to say, but I can't help but feel like Lieutenant General Cicero has... some hidden motives. I greatly appreciate her service but if she keeps hiding secrets from me, I won't be too pleased. That aside, she's competent enough to cleanly finish her missions. The way she avoids conversations regarding specifics of her missions leaves much to think about, though... Oh, well. What's done is done. I appreciate her service. Heh.
Cassana says:
Oh, Belle! She's fun to be with, if only she doesn't insist in being sober all the time. At this point, it gets boring-- it has to be boring for her too. And it makes me feel bad, downing one drink and plate after another while she just sits down and nurses an orange juice. For someone who likes grapes, she sure doesn't like them when they're in their best form, eh? We go way, way, way back and she never really bothered to tell me her reasons. ...Should I ask now or will it seem bad because we're 'best friends' for a decade now?