Cassana Nosferatu
Soldier serving the military even before Libertia's rule. A senior well-respected by everyone, serving for over fifteen years. Soldiers working under her view her as an older sister or aunt figure. With a carefree attitude, many approach her for advice and casual conversation. Despite this, she maintains proper professional relationships, much to Libertia's pleasure. Many comment and take curiousity on Cassana and Libertia's mysteriously close relationship but no amount of investigation ever produces fruit.
"Lieutenant General Nosferatu here. Not much to say for this lady, unless you want me to keep going on and on, haha! If you do have the time to lend me an ear for some tales though, I recommend a drink to go with it. Come, come! It's on me!"
— Self-intro
strength (85%)
intelligence (70%)
cooperation (95%)
influence (90%)
Nickname Cas
Age 38
Birthday November 16
Affiliation Military Police
Rank Lieutenant General
Likes Alcohol, chicharron, anything fried
Dislikes Vegetables, egoistic people
Family Unnamed stillborn daughter
Status Deceased
Diwa says:
Oh, senior Nosferatu! She's like an older sister you can tell everything to! She can be strict sometimes but if you really need help, you're sure to find her holding a hand out for you to grab on to. She's a little scary when she's drunk, though… When she grabs you and puts you in a headlock, make sure to say your prayers! Well... not me, though. I seem to always survive it...?
Bellona says:
God, that woman...? I don't know where to start. We went to the same high school and university, although we didn't mind each other at all during those years. After all, I'm a few years older than her. But then, we recognized each other when we met at camp. When I found her, I said to myself, 'isn't that the nice and friendly junior I had back then?' and approached her. I was only a sargeant at the time and she attached herself to me at the hip. That doesn't fly too good here, you see. It's a sign of weakness-- attaching yourself to familiarity. But I couldn't just shoo her away. Overtime, she stopped being so attached to me. I'd be lying if I said that didn't make me a little sad. Especially since she's... keeping many secrets from me now. Well, whatever. Now, we're standing at the same podium, with the same rank. I'm content with that. It has been one wild journey with her, I'll tell you that. I have more to say, but I'd rather save that for later.