in: Aisha, Character Voice-Overs

Aisha's English Voice-Overs


Data Bank

Title and Requirements Details
First Meeting I’m Aisha. Nice to meet you. Let’s get along, okay?
Greeting Wow, we keep running into each other. Maybe it’s fate. Or maybe it’s…
Parting Time to kick back. I’ll get my fill next time, for sure.
About Self: Name It’s better for you to keep away from things that don’t concern you. Do as I say, not as I do!
About Self: Wants I have a lot of things I want. But… most importantly, I want… to hear a story with a plot I can never predict!
Chat: Masked Fools We like to have fun, we’re not stupid. Don’t make that mistake the next time you meet another one of us, alright? Alright!
Hobbies Isn’t it fun to hear a story with all sorts of twists and turns? It’s even better when it’s real.
Annoyances I offer information that others want, and they call me a gossip just ‘cause I happen to know what happens in the gaps in the story! That’s just rude, isn’t it? And to say it to a lady, too…
Something to Share Oh, this talking cake behind me? I saw it floating around space, crying for its mama, saying it was abandoned, that it was a failure… And I agreed! I mean, there has to be a reason why it’s abandoned, right? But it’s okay, its life isn’t completely useless. I’ll fatten it up and someday, I’ll…
Knowledge: The Family They’re all highbrows who suck up to the one with the most power. You either fit in, or you don’t.
About Sparkle She’s unbearable. On the rare occasion that we set our sights on the same target, I immediately forfeit. I don’t like sharing, and I especially don’t like when I have to share with her.
About Sampo He’s easy to read, at least for me. But… he’s not someone to be trusted. He’s a businessman. He lies for a living, for Aeons’ sake…
About Sunday Hah. Him? He likes to wash his hands clean of anything. He’s never frank, never honest, never forthcoming. He pauses, thinks, obfuscates, always murky with his words, if not flat out lying. What a politician. And by that, I mean… a puppet.
About Sunday: History Friends aren’t forever. That’s just a fact of life.
About Robin She’s kind, gracious, beautiful… everything you could wish for. It’s a shame she’s holed up in Epsilon.
About Acheron She’s far too unpredictable. And while I know some… colleagues that like that, it’s personally not my taste.
About Boothill Yes, we’ve crossed paths. He has some… tales to tell but… Honestly, they’re not mine to pass along. And frankly, they’re bordering on ‘depressing’ rather than ‘entertaining.’
Eidolon Activation Next chapter?
Character Ascension New installment?
Max Level Reached Oh, that’s it? Aw, it was just starting to get interesting.
Trace Activation I’ll make it worth your while.
Added to Team With (Trailblazer) I’ll rely on you this time.
Added to Team With Sparkle Let’s not.
Added to Team With Sampo Let me guess. New business venture? Or rather… a new scam?
Added to Team With Sunday Don’t act cute, birdie. Make yourself useful.
Added to Team With Robin It’s nice to see you again… Robin.


Title Details
Battle Begins: Weakness Break Got you.
Battle Begins: Danger Alert I heard that.
Turn Begins Oh, it’s my turn now?
Here… I go…
Turn Idling What a drag…
Basic ATK One, and two!
Enhanced Basic ATK Don’t move too much, now.
Walking targets? Sure.
I’ve got more.
Skill I guess I need to get serious now.
Hit by Light Attack Oh!
Hit by Heavy Attack Hey, watch it!
Ultimate: Activate Going all-out already?
Ultimate: Unleash Too late to back out now.
Talent So dull…!
You call this fun?
Downed Flew too close… to the sun…
Return to Battle …Again?
Health Recovery Nice trick.
Technique I can spare a few favors.
Battle Won Now that that’s over…
Treasure Opening And am I supposed to care about this?
Precious Treasure Opening Boring.
Successful Puzzle-Solving …Is this seriously what you brought me along for?
Enemy Target Found How about a detour?
Returning to Town Too… drab..